Tuesday, April 22, 2008

big wolf

i am absolutely watching big wolf on campus.  and i've missed it so.  if you don't know what it is... that's a sad day for you.

i've been having a rough one today.  nothing good to talk about.  nothing important to write about.

not feeling creative.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

expect to not know what i'm talking about

the point of this, for me, is not to talk about how classes were or what my plans are for the weekend.

i will be typing up random things i write when i'm bored.

so don't expect to get it.

next time, it could be as weird as writing about elephants that i use to ride in my grandparents' back yard...

Monday, April 7, 2008

i don't climb trees.

i never climbed trees when i was a kid. looking back, i feel like i missed out on something important. but, i do remember one tree. it wasn't tall or thick. i don't even know if it ever had a lot of leaves or moss. but i do remember we weren't supposed to climb it.

being kids, we didn't listen. and me, being the analytical kid i was, i decided i wasn't climbing it. i just sat on the low branch that formed into something like a bench. i don't know what i thought about while i was sitting on that tree. i'm not sure how i felt about myself or if i cared what i looked like.

i can't say i was carefree. i can't say i thought any more in depth sitting there than anywhere else.

all i can say is, i remember the tree. and that i didn't technically climb it.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

hi friends!

xanga is blocked.
so is myspace.
my friends are here.
so am i.