Wednesday, May 6, 2009

cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea

i feel like all i can do is post blogs. what is that even?
boy, summer is going to be full of these.
kris just told me a goofy joke.
watching dog the bounty hunter instead of packing. funny how he can be sooooo sweet after being so scary.

grrrrrrrrr. where is my motivation????


i have gotten to talk some things out with a few of my friends. this makes me be able to breathe and feel good about things that i SHOULD feel good about.

he introduced me as "natalie, my girlfriend" for the first time today. it felt like the first time i'd ever been introduced in such a way. which was fun. no matter my past, everything feels so different and new, and i like that. i'm an entirely different girl (and i mean that in a good way).

i do have a headache and should be studying for my play therapy final. but there are so many things i'd rather do.

I ALWAYS say i don't understand how people can "forget" to eat... until today. because i did.

such a day

i'm on the phone with at&t because there was a misunderstanding and my phone was shut off. i'm pretty sure i'm talking to carol channing... which is making me want to laugh.

it's muggy and even though i took at shower before bed i feel disgusting.

when i cleaned out my fridge i spilled green olive juice ALL over myself and no amount of dial is saving me!

i feel rushed.

i want to feel happy. and i'm trying not to let other people's opinions get to me.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

he did it, i am too

my boyfriend's name is kris hines. yep.

he's tall. and he's got the best smile you'll ever see. (and he just blushed)
