Wednesday, May 6, 2009

cause it's frightening to be swimming in this strange sea

i feel like all i can do is post blogs. what is that even?
boy, summer is going to be full of these.
kris just told me a goofy joke.
watching dog the bounty hunter instead of packing. funny how he can be sooooo sweet after being so scary.

grrrrrrrrr. where is my motivation????


i have gotten to talk some things out with a few of my friends. this makes me be able to breathe and feel good about things that i SHOULD feel good about.

he introduced me as "natalie, my girlfriend" for the first time today. it felt like the first time i'd ever been introduced in such a way. which was fun. no matter my past, everything feels so different and new, and i like that. i'm an entirely different girl (and i mean that in a good way).

i do have a headache and should be studying for my play therapy final. but there are so many things i'd rather do.

I ALWAYS say i don't understand how people can "forget" to eat... until today. because i did.

such a day

i'm on the phone with at&t because there was a misunderstanding and my phone was shut off. i'm pretty sure i'm talking to carol channing... which is making me want to laugh.

it's muggy and even though i took at shower before bed i feel disgusting.

when i cleaned out my fridge i spilled green olive juice ALL over myself and no amount of dial is saving me!

i feel rushed.

i want to feel happy. and i'm trying not to let other people's opinions get to me.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

he did it, i am too

my boyfriend's name is kris hines. yep.

he's tall. and he's got the best smile you'll ever see. (and he just blushed)


Monday, March 30, 2009


staph... still running rampant through my body.

i'm about to cry.

i don't know what to do.

i don't know why i've lost (soon to be) $600 or more because people wouldn't just listen to me and write me a $4 prescription. twice i've asked and my concerns were dismissed.

now who knows, i could get stuck in the hospital...

i need hugs.

Monday, March 23, 2009

the whole truth and nothing but said truth

sorry if i offend anyone with my insensitive metaphor (or technically, it's personification)... but it's the only way i can explain it.

my phone had a stroke. it was temporarily paralyzed on the left side. i called apple. of course, they were accommodating.
BUT THEN, it just magically started working again. HOURS after troubleshooting techniques! wonderful no?

i'm hearing all about relationship problems that i don't care about from a certain roommate of mine. but i'll get over it.

i miss amber. but i'm patient.

i have NO idea what i'm doing in december after i graduate. andrea will most likely be in one of three places: russellville, new york city, or los angeles.

if she is in russellville, i will be in van buren with my parents. i will most likely substitute teach for a while because i will have an easy time getting a job there.
if she is in new york city... of course, i'll be with her. we will be fulfilling a dream that has lived longer than most... umm pets that live 5 years. haha.
if she is in los angeles... i'll probably be there too. because i've never been there and i wouldn't mind living in the sun for a while!!

i'm afraid about something. a few things.

bad luck


that's my SECOND iphone repair id number... hopefully my last.