Monday, April 7, 2008

i don't climb trees.

i never climbed trees when i was a kid. looking back, i feel like i missed out on something important. but, i do remember one tree. it wasn't tall or thick. i don't even know if it ever had a lot of leaves or moss. but i do remember we weren't supposed to climb it.

being kids, we didn't listen. and me, being the analytical kid i was, i decided i wasn't climbing it. i just sat on the low branch that formed into something like a bench. i don't know what i thought about while i was sitting on that tree. i'm not sure how i felt about myself or if i cared what i looked like.

i can't say i was carefree. i can't say i thought any more in depth sitting there than anywhere else.

all i can say is, i remember the tree. and that i didn't technically climb it.


-Megan J W- said...

haha...and i remember this time when you were random and posted about climbing trees...or the lack there of ;-)

Anonymous said...
