Monday, March 23, 2009

the whole truth and nothing but said truth

sorry if i offend anyone with my insensitive metaphor (or technically, it's personification)... but it's the only way i can explain it.

my phone had a stroke. it was temporarily paralyzed on the left side. i called apple. of course, they were accommodating.
BUT THEN, it just magically started working again. HOURS after troubleshooting techniques! wonderful no?

i'm hearing all about relationship problems that i don't care about from a certain roommate of mine. but i'll get over it.

i miss amber. but i'm patient.

i have NO idea what i'm doing in december after i graduate. andrea will most likely be in one of three places: russellville, new york city, or los angeles.

if she is in russellville, i will be in van buren with my parents. i will most likely substitute teach for a while because i will have an easy time getting a job there.
if she is in new york city... of course, i'll be with her. we will be fulfilling a dream that has lived longer than most... umm pets that live 5 years. haha.
if she is in los angeles... i'll probably be there too. because i've never been there and i wouldn't mind living in the sun for a while!!

i'm afraid about something. a few things.


notevenahint57 said...

you forgot the fourth option. Going where I go, wherever that may be! It would be a life of intrigue, excitement, and wonder!

notevenahint57 said...
