Wednesday, June 25, 2008

and just like that

i've noticed something lately that i find interesting about the human experience while being entertained. for moments, even only a few, after a movie or television show (even a sports event), we change. for instance, dance movies always make me feel incredibly light on my feet, despite my complete lack of salsa or ballet skills. spy movies tend to convince me that i'm swift and sneaky. any movie depicting the model lifestyle makes me strut like i'm wearing dior.

why is it that i can trick myself into believing i'm something i'm not after seeing someone who is? i think that somewhere, no matter how deeply it's buried, there is a dancer, spy or model in all of us. hell, there may even be a gymnast or football player if we catch them on ESPN at the right time.

so is it really a bad thing to morph into something we wish we could be, even if it's just for 5 minutes? i guess it really all depends on how you feel at the end of the day. after the credits have rolled. after the quick stretch and yawn that inevitably comes at the end of every theater visit. and yes, after the goodnight kiss. as long as we feel like we are who we are, BUT realize that we really can be whoever we want, i think we'll all be alright with getting lost in translation somewhere between the pirouette and the final quarter.

1 comment:

-Megan J W- said...

i liked that dear friend
nice thought