Monday, June 16, 2008

i'm getting carried away

to begin, i should let everyone know i've started watching sex and the city. a lot. all the time.
i know you'll all wonder who i'm talking about. and guess what, i'm not telling you. if i haven't already... amber...

:late night text message to...someone... at 3:21 am on june 14th/15th:
" so i'm still up, but this is all i have to say. over the span of our friendship i've found myself missing so many things about you. your hug, your smile, your ticklishness. even your f***ing video games. but now, for the first time, i've found myself missing your kiss"
**yes, a strategically placed f*** can bring preciousness to any gesture of love**

guys, don't judge me for what i'm writing here. i know you all know me. and this isn't "news" to any of you... but there's someone new... but not new. the feelings are though.

i wish i could say this is the first time i've considered a VERY serious relationship with someone. but it's not... i can't even say that it's different this time because we've known each other for years... because i've always "known them for years."

i can, however, say i had loved him since the first time i met him. even it was a silly girl thing, i knew we would have something special. and we did. we do. it's our friendship.

there really is something to be said for falling for your best friend. your best friend knows you. they've always called you for company while running errands. they take naps with you, rub your back. they make sure you don't cry alone, and are NEVER going to say "i just need some space." the best friend is the one that has seen you without make-up. has smelled the worst of your bad breath. has already found out the nerdiest of your nerdy qualities and only loves you more for them. (and vice-versa)

so, when you finally give in to the love for a best friend, you find yourself asking... how long have we actually been a couple? sure we'd never sworn each other to monogamy. we didn't regularly kiss when saying goodnight. but when you have had months worth of intimacy where the only thing missing is... you know... you have to be proud of what you have accomplished. you've shared almost everything when someone and they didn't flee. you've even been crazy enough to test your boundaries and TRIED to annoy them and the son-of-a-bitch still won't budge.

i'm telling you... this is good.

so no, i can't say it's the first time, but you never know when it's your last.

wish me luck.


-Megan J W- said...


i love you girly!!

Anonymous said...

this almost made me cry.
this is beautiful.
the thoughts, the words, the ideas, the excitement, the discovery- all of it- it's beautiful. good luck, hon!